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Action Coalitions

Safe and Well Oxford’s Action Coalitions carry out the work for each of the Priority Risk Themes identified in the community safety and well-being plan. These groups are made up of existing or new committees or tables in the community and other accountable stakeholders, including individuals with lived experiences. Action Coalitions lead the work of planning, communicating, collaborating, implementing, and measuring.

cover image - baby and momPhoto Credit: Omar Lopez

The Steering Committee is made up of representatives from Oxford’s area municipalities; community agencies and partners that serve clients in the priority risk areas identified in the plan; and representatives from each of the action coalitions. This group plays a key role in advocating for support and resources from all levels of government, as well as advancing progress within the plan, including community engagement and communication.


Amy Humphries, Co-Lead, Safe and Well Oxford - Contact by email

Sarah Hamulecki, Co-Lead, Safe and Well Oxford - Contact by email


Read more about the Committee

The DEI Action Coalition is developing a robust Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy, including an Inclusion Charter, for all communities across Oxford County. It brings together area municipalities, police services, health care organizations and providers, school boards, businesses, social service providers, and agencies with a shared commitment to ensuring our communities are welcoming and inclusive for all.

Contact: Ayesha Sajid, DEI Officer, Oxford County - Contact by email


Read more about the DEI Committee

2 menPhoto Credit: Nathan Anderson

3 kidsPhoto Credit: Tim Mossholder

Oxford Mental Health and Addictions Action Coalition

The Oxford Mental Health and Addictions Action Coalition is focused on expanding primary prevention programs and interventions to reduce exposure to risk factors and enhance protective factors before mental health and addiction problems occur.

Contact: Peter Heywood, Program Director, Community Health Division, Southwestern Public Health
Contact by email

Lynn Wardell, Vice President Program Operations & Regional Director, Oxford & East Middlesex, CMHA Thames Valley Addiction & Mental Health Services
Contact by email

Oxford Housing Action Collaborative

The Oxford Housing Action Collaborative is focused on raising awareness of the housing crisis across the entire continuum.

Contact: Stephanie Ellens-Clark, Executive Director, Social Planning Council Oxford - Contact by email

Randy Peltz, Executive Director, Oxford County Community Health Centre - Contact by email

handsPhoto Credit: Austin Kehmeier